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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
The Fact Finder (“we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information while you use our website and services to access daily news reports about Gujarat.
2. Information We Collect
We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us, such as your name, email address, and contact information when you subscribe to our newsletter or engage with our services. We may also collect technical data like IP addresses, browser type, and cookies for analytics and website optimization.
3. How We Use Your Information
We use your personal information to deliver our news services, send you updates and newsletters, and improve our website’s user experience. We may also use your information for marketing purposes, but only with your consent.
4. Data Sharing and Third Parties
We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties without your consent, except as required by law or for providing essential services through trusted partners. Our partners are bound to keep your information confidential.
5. Your Rights and Choices
You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in our emails or contacting us directly.
6. Security and Data Retention
We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or disclosure. We retain your data for as long as necessary to fulfill our services and comply with legal obligations.
7. Changes to This Policy
We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify you of significant changes through our website or email communication.
8. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us

Vadodara18 hours ago

ગોવાથી ભરાયેલો 20 લાખનો દારૂનો જથ્થો ભાવનગર પહોંચે તે પહેલા જ ખેલ પડી ગયો

Vadodara2 days ago

વરસાદી માહોલમાં પોતાના પગરખાં પહેરતા પહેલા ચેક કરજો,કોઈ તમારી રાહ જોઇને તો નથી બેઠું ને!

Vadodara2 days ago

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Vadodara2 days ago

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Karjan-Shinor4 days ago

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Vadodara5 days ago

No Garba This Year: Wardwizard Foundation Focuses on Vadodara Flood Relief.

Vadodara5 days ago

પૂરની સ્થિતિમાં નેતાઓના ખરાબ અનુભવ બાદ, માનવંતા મતદારોએ નેતાઓની પ્રવેશબંધી ફરમાવી

Savli5 days ago

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Vadodara4 weeks ago

મકરપુરામાં વિદેશી શરબનું વેચાણ કરતા બુટલેગરોને PCBએ ઝડપી પાડ્યા

Vadodara4 weeks ago

માર્બલ પાવડરની આડમાં લઈ જવાતો વિદેશી શરાબનો જથ્થો LCBએ ઝડપી પાડ્યો

Vadodara4 weeks ago

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Vadodara1 month ago

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Vadodara2 months ago

વડોદરાના માંજલપુર શ્રેયસ સ્કૂલ પાસે એમ્બ્યુલન્સ ચાલકે વૃદ્ધ મોપેડ સવારને અડફેટે લઈને ગંભીર ઇજાઓ પહોંચાડી

Savli2 months ago

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Vadodara2 months ago

“કોઇ પણ આંગણવાડીને મદરેસા નહી બનવા દઇએ” – દર્ભાવતી MLA શૈલેષ સોટ્ટા

Savli3 months ago

સાવલી : “વેઠ” ને કારણે નગરજનો કેટલું વેઠશે? ઠેરઠેર ખાડાઓ અને ખુલ્લી ડ્રેનેજ જીવલેણ સાબિત થશે!